What is a Coach?

What is a coach?
In Nebraska, we think of coaches as the guys dressed in red, directing players from the sidelines of a football game. But coaching can also be about helping people unlock their potential so that they can reach and exceed their dreams. Whether you are an athlete or experiencing a major transition in your life, coaching can help you learn how to succeed on your own!
How does coaching work?
Coaching is about defining what your “next chapter” will look like. Your coach will create a powerful partnership with you in which you will feel comfortable in expressing your hopes, dreams, frustrations, and ambitions. Your coach is the person in your corner who can objectively listen and provide questions that will help you gain clarity and focus about where you are now and what you want to accomplish in the future. Working together, you will develop action steps, plans, and goals that will lead you toward successfully reaching your dreams. A coach doesn’t focus on what has happened in the past, but rather how to move forward without becoming paralyzed by obstacles or getting stuck in the planning. By taking small, meaningful steps, a coach will help you overcome your fears and achieve balance in your personal and professional life.
How do you know if you are ready for coaching?
Experiencing signs of frustration, resignation, and cynicism are often signs that your actions are not in alignment with your goals and values. Whether you are experiencing these feelings concerning your personal or professional life, they are a “red flag” to let you know that something is not in balance. In working with a coach, you will be able to learn how to align your values, actions, and goals so that you will experience enthusiasm and excitement about your future, rather than the unsettled uneasiness you may be currently experiencing.
Where do I find a coach?
If you are interested in working with a coach from Nebraska or Iowa, consider the Heartland Coaches Association, which is comprised of coaches who provide a wide range of coaching specialties. It is important that you feel comfortable with the person you will be working with, so feel free to interview more than one before making your decision.
International Coaching Week 2011
During the week of February 6-12, the Nebraska Heartland Coaches Chapter will also be celebrating International Coaching Week. International Coaching Week (ICW) is a weeklong global celebration of the coaching profession that has been held annually since 1999. ICW is a designated time for coaches and clients to educate the general public about the value of working with a professional coach and to acknowledge the results and progress made through the coaching process.
In recognition of International Coaching Week, Gerry Phaneuf and KHUB 1340 AM will be hosting a series of interviews with coaches in the heartland area that will be broadcast on Fridays at 8:30 am from February 11 through February 25. Gerry will offer an informative and engaging conversation with local coaches concerning a wide variety of coaching topics. The first guests will be Cindy Wagner, President of the Heartland Chapter, and yours truly.
If you have ever entertained the idea of working with a coach, please visit the Nebraska Heartland Coaches Association website and spend a few moments visiting with a coach. It may be just the first step to reaching those goals you have always dreamed about.