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According to Right Brain

Surprisingly Tweetastic

Learning about Tweeple, Twaffic, and other Twitterisms
Surprisingly Tweetastic
Published on July 8, 2010 : 20 comments

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Are you a Tweeter?

I started tweeting several months ago (@AnnieDoodlebugz). I wasn’t interested in Twitter, but I was looking for any way to spread the word about my new side business without using up cash. I chose Twitter because at the time, it seemed more convenient and easier to manage than Facebook. Both are FREE! So, I jumped in—splash!—and zero excitement what so ever. My first worry was how many followers I had. I think that may be a common “newbie” concern.

A little while into it and I thought—why not follow other artist-types (I also follow a lot of local Peeps)? That was a good idea! I am more mature now in Twitterville. I am more concerned if I have something in common with a fellow tweeter.

Where my tweeps at?Where my tweeps at?Idea number two—These two ideas are SO simple, but have made such a difference for memany Tweeters are talking, few are listening. SO, I let go of the “me”, “me”, “me” thing (yes, feel free to chuckle here) and started to ask people for little tid-bits about art. Let them know how much I happen to like their work (I am drawn towards watercolor artists). Even tweeting a question: has anyone has seen the latest movie? Don’t get me wrong, I do tweet a fair number of ‘shameless’ plugs! I am so amazed at the generosity of other people who re-tweet my plugs to help spread the word that I am donating the profit from my store to the local food bank (@Food4Heartland) The give and take of help/support through Twitter is surprisingly satisfying to me!

I am still learning the lingo. Tweeple are Twitter users. So are Peeps and a Twerson. Twaffic is self explanatory. Twittastic is fantastic! Twitterville/Twitterverse is everything Twitter…an expanding ‘universe’. Comment below and let me know what other “Twitterisms” you know. When I talk to people about tweeting (I tweet for a client of mine), I am using some of the language above. Gosh Darn It! I feel like Tweety Bird (Side note: I can’t swear, my Dad will read this!) Remember those old Loony Tunes cartoons with Sylvester the cat, Granny, and Tweety Bird? Tweety is famous for saying, “That darn putty-tat”…I would never have thought that I would get paid to Tweet for a client!

Tweety BirdTweety BirdAt the very end of May, just before school was out, I agreed to go speak to my daughter’s middle school class. Each kids’ parent came in and talked about their careers. It was both a pleasure and a challenge. These kids were ready to be done with school! I had a couple of things going for me. Being a graphic designer/illustrator, I had good visual aids, and the kids were thrilled I wasn’t another business professional in a suit. Just before I left to give my talk, I was tweeting for my client. I realized these kids can do that better than I can. We spent a good chunk of time talking about how they have a leg up already on someone like me. They know so much about social networking. I told them that there are companies in our home town that specialize in social networking. This got their attention! That was a career they could ‘chew’ on. I also think it was a good idea I brought a bribe (cookies) for after the talk ;-)

The other surprising thing to me about Tweeting is that I have picked up several inquires for work. As an example, I designed a logo for Completely Nourished (they haven’t posted the new logo as I write this, it has a tree in the design). I am so grateful for all the inquiries…I learned about this column through Twitter!

Project Open BookProject Open BookA Twitter friend introduced me to Phil. He lives in the same home town as I do. Specifically, he is looking to raise money for young girls in Nepal as part of Project OpenBook. He and his pal Brad are asking adults and kids to contribute poems and/or illustrations to build a community children’s poem book. I have illustrated 4 poems so far—not all of them have been posted yet. I don’t think I would have found this great opportunity if I were not Tweeting.

Using social media in your businessUsing social media in your businessAs I re-read this, it is looking like a “shameless plug” article… I can’t deny that is a side benefit of writing about my life. But, the “moral of the story” is that I didn’t have a very good attitude towards Twitter. I was just looking for free advertising. But when I changed my tune and my focus, I have been very blessed to meet such great Tweeple and have such Tweetastic experiences in the several months since I joined Twitter. I enjoy being of help and getting help. I think I best keep a more open mind about things in the future!

It is so interesting to me how things like Twitter actually pull us together and connect us a little more. That is the point I want to make when I share what has happened to me so far through Twitter. It has definitely moved a long way up from the bottom of my pile. I really enjoy all the advice and comments I get from all of you readers both online and in person. Thanks for all of YOUR help!

AnnDbugzAnn Troe (@AnnieDoodlebugz) is graphic designer and illustrator.


Barb In Nebraska (not verified) says:

July 8, 2010 : 14 years 33 weeks ago

Barb In Nebraska 's picture

Nice article, Twitter Buddy!

Nick (not verified) says:

July 8, 2010 : 14 years 33 weeks ago

Nick's picture

The fun part with Twitter is we regular users can sniff out the phonys who are just there to self-promote. If we don’t have a reason to care about you, we don’t have a reason to care about your message, product, or service. So by jumping in to the community itself, you were able to succeed. This is the part a lot of businesses have missed thus far.

Suzanne Whisler (not verified) says:

July 8, 2010 : 14 years 33 weeks ago

Suzanne Whisler's picture

Great article describing your Twitter experience. My favorite Twitter line … Being better together with Twitter.

Phil (not verified) says:

July 8, 2010 : 14 years 33 weeks ago

Phil's picture

This is such a good article. Your work is thought provoking along with being fun to read!!

AnnDbugz says:

July 8, 2010 : 14 years 33 weeks ago

AnnDbugz's picture


Thanks for ALL the comments! I am glad I have learned a few lessons. I am also sure I have many more to learn!

Dad (not verified) says:

July 9, 2010 : 14 years 33 weeks ago

Dad's picture

I think I am tooooo old to comment very much on this article. My preferred communication speed is letter writing and the US Postal Service. I can see how twitter and facebook might be helpful as it reaches a population that seems to communicate primarily through electronics. I would cringe about putting a lot of info out there forever. But then it took me years and years to make my first purchase over the Internet. I kind of like shopping that way now even though it has caused me to replace compromised credit cards at least 3 times.

Nice article favorite daughter - it teaches my generation.

AnnDbugz says:

July 9, 2010 : 14 years 33 weeks ago

AnnDbugz's picture

Thanks Dad ;-D
…..Great point about the credit cards! Did you notice I kept my language clean?!

Jo M. Lynch (not verified) says:

July 12, 2010 : 14 years 33 weeks ago

Jo M. Lynch's picture

Annie, another dynamite article. Very articulate. Perhaps it will get some people who have not yet gotten started, the incentive to jump in and try the water/twitter world. You hit the nail on the head. It has to be a give and take, and a bit more give than take works well in the twitter world. I also think finding people with like minded interests helps a lot. Sharing is key on twitter…

Way to go Annie, one of my all time best twitter pals. Annie is terrific and to think I met her on Twitter.
She helped me through a difficult project. Bless you Annie for your sharing personality.

Omaha and the food bank is lucky to have you tweeting and spreading the word. :)

Happy Tweeting…. Jo @whimzicals on Twitter

Susan Baird (not verified) says:

July 12, 2010 : 14 years 33 weeks ago

Susan Baird's picture

Great job explaining how Twitter doesn’t work merely as an advertising medium. You’re right that once you engage and build a community with others who want to learn, who want to teach, who want to share and who want to do so as transparently and authentically as possible, that community begins to look out for you. They begin to care about your success, and they look for opportunities to help you. That kind of engagement is so much more effective than advertising, and you are DEFINITELY one of my fave Twitter friends.

Thanks for building a community that includes me!


AnnDbugz says:

July 12, 2010 : 14 years 33 weeks ago

AnnDbugz's picture

Geeeeeze you guys! I am blushing!
I am so thrilled I found you two (and others) through Twitter. I had no idea what I was getting into and I am so thankful for all the wonderful Tweeple I have found. It is great how much I have learned already.

Thanks and take care!

Brent Pohlman (not verified) says:

July 12, 2010 : 14 years 33 weeks ago

Brent Pohlman's picture

I enjoy your posts and you are a great “participating” player on twitter. Great Article today!

Brent Pohlman | @BrentPohlman
Midwest Laboratories

Shawn Finch (not verified) says:

July 12, 2010 : 14 years 33 weeks ago

Shawn Finch's picture

Awesome Ann! MY first internet purchace was your Ladybug coasters for Mom this past Christmas, and it has been SO FUN to get to know you since then! I found Ann on twitter and we jumped into together…I was a slow starter too with twitter - I just didn’t get it last summer when I started, but now I LOVE it, and it is the fault of Ann and other twitter friends (many of them here in the comments section-hi guys! :)) that it has been so fun!

Dad (not verified) says:

July 13, 2010 : 14 years 33 weeks ago

Dad's picture

You are going to get a swelled head from all the compliments. We think they are desrved.

We also think everyone should check out some of your work at the site below. Are there now 4 of your poem illustrations at this site? So if they have not checked it out they probably have not voted either.

Shameless promoting by Dad ;-)

AnnDbugz says:

July 13, 2010 : 14 years 33 weeks ago

AnnDbugz's picture

What would I do with out you!
I am thrilled everyone has been voting 5 STARS for my illustrations.

Here is a link to all 4, scroll down to see them:

Thanks everyone! Ann

SNBaird says:

July 13, 2010 : 14 years 33 weeks ago

SNBaird's picture

Ann, that’s what dads are for! Plus, as my dad would say, he’s going to have to go buy some new shirts cuz he’s popped the buttons off on almost all the ones he owns, and it’s totally your fault. Keep it up, girlfriend! Can’t wait ‘til Friday!

mamashepp says:

October 24, 2010 : 14 years 18 weeks ago

mamashepp's picture

When I started tweeting, I started following a lot of people but I’m cutting back more and more. I’m tired of being unable to find the tweets from the people that interest me. I think that’s a lot of the reason why there are not so many people “listening;” there is just too much white noise.

AnnDbugz says:

October 24, 2010 : 14 years 18 weeks ago

AnnDbugz's picture

Hi Lisa!
I know what you mean It does get hard to follow so many. I think software like TweetDeck may help with that. but it haven’t tried it yet….. I do follow a lot of artists because it is so inspiring to see all the variety of creative work - gets me inspired.

I am also grateful for all my twitter followers who help spread the word about my online store - the profits are donated to the Food Bank.

THANK you SO much for your insightful comments. Quality is very important on Twitter.

SNBaird says:

October 25, 2010 : 14 years 18 weeks ago

SNBaird's picture

Lisa, I want to echo what Ann suggested regarding TweetDeck. I agree that hanging out on Twitter hoping to see a tweet from someone you find interesting come through the scroll can be exasperating. Why I love Tweetdeck is that it allows me to assign the people I follow into lists, and then open columns to stream tweets from whichever list I want.

So, for example, I have a list of Omaha Area Tweeps, so I put that into a Tweetdeck column that only streams comments from those people. I also have another list I’ve called Mavens, and these are the social media and creative gurus I admire, so it’s easy for me to see when any of them posts something I should learn more about.

Tweetdeck is a free app that you download on your computer — PC or Mac — and it really does make the Twitter experience much easier to manage!

If you want to follow my list of Omaha Tweeps, go to!/snbaird/omaha-area-tweeps.


AnnDbugz says:

October 25, 2010 : 14 years 18 weeks ago

AnnDbugz's picture

Hey Susan!
Thanks for your expertise in social media….. ummm, ummm…. TweetDeck is on my “To-Do” list ;-)
OK, I can be a bit stubborn too!

Jo M. Lynch (not verified) says:

October 26, 2010 : 14 years 18 weeks ago

Jo M. Lynch's picture

Annie and also Lisa, I have also mentioned Tweetdeck which I would be totally lost without… so I’m chiming in and saying, Get Tweetdeck!!!!!! :) Don’t put it off! :) Give yourself a day or so to make each column pertain to things you’re looking for, like NEW people who join your tweet stream, and anyone who mentions your name, and as Susan said, you can create specific columns right down to a local area column. It makes it a much more useful medium.
Have a marvelous Day!!! Jo

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