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Meet your Match

A new way to connect with a perfect pet for you!
The Nebraska Humane Society
Published on September 30, 2010 : 5 comments

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I’m going to give you a little back story before you can Meet your Match™.

For 1 1/2 years, maybe longer, I volunteered at the Nebraska Humane Society. I fell into the job. My son wanted to volunteer there as part of his high school graduation requirement. Instead of dropping him off for the orientation class, I decided to sit in with him. We both ended up volunteering as cat cleaners—“Merry Maids” for all the cats waiting to be adopted. I loved it! The other volunteers I worked with were wonderful. The NE Humane Society is amazing. Many other humane societies tour ours to get ideas and to learn.

Meet your Match Adoption

NHS CatThe NE humane society has a new program, Meet your Match™. They have color-coded the animals by personality so they can be matched with your personality, allowing you to adopt the type of pet you are looking for. It’s a lot like, only for pets! This is ‘purrrr-fect’ because now you can be aware of what the staff and volunteers know about each animal and find your match. On the Meet your Match™ page you can (I gotta say this) “sink your teeth into” more information, take the cat or dog adopter survey, and learn about the profiles that the ASPCA designed. 

Purses 4 Paws Auction

The next event for the NE Humane Society (besides all the regular classes they offer) is Purses 4 Paws. Paw print your calendar for Monday October 25, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m., at the Market Basket in Countryside Village. Your registration will reserve wine and hors d’oeuvres for you as you shop the silent auction. Go to the Purses 4 Paws web page for more information and tickets.

Walk for the Animals

I checked in with Pam Wiese, Vice President of Marketing and Public Relations. The NE Humane Society just had their Walk for the Animals. She gave me the scoop on this big event!

It is our biggest ‘annual’ fundraiser and a favorite because anyone can take part and help out. If you can’t walk, you can be a “cat napper” and still raise funds. Raising $35 gets people the “doggie bag” of goodies. Raise $65 and get a T-shirt too. Raise $300 and you get VIP status in “club 300” the day of the Walk. But the Walk itself is this great gathering of hundreds of animal lovers who are all helping homeless animals. Many bring their dogs so there are hundreds of treasured pets at this event too. It exemplifies what can happen when a community bands together for a cause. Plus, it’s just darn fun to see all those dogs—many of whom came from the shelter—enjoying life with their owners. 

When I contacted Pam, they were still adding up the numbers, but it looks like they raised around $240,000! Way to go Omaha!

Since the Walk for the Animals is over for this year, one simple way you can help out is by shopping at the gift shop in the NE Humane Society, 8929 Fort Street. Or, make it really easy and shop online! There is a dog and a cat store. Get holiday cards, sports gear for your pet, t-shirts—you get the idea. If you are interested in volunteering there are such a variety of things you can do to help.

I want to quickly note some of the services that the NE Humane Society offers. Here is a list of most of them:

NHS White Dog

  • Dog Daycare
  • Obedience classes
  • Animal Control
  • Group tours
  • Birthday parties
  • Project Pet Safe
  • Speakers Bureau
  • Kids summer camp
  • Pet cremation

Thanks you so much in advance for supporting our fantastic Nebraska Humane Society!

AnnDbugzAnn Troe (@AnnieDoodlebugz) is graphic designer and illustrator.


Anonymous (not verified) says:

October 3, 2010 : 14 years 23 weeks ago

Anonymous's picture

Ann, now you’ve gotten on a subject near and dear to my heart… I’m so glad you chose this topic. Excellent idea and soooo well written. LOVE it!!! Thank you for bringing attention to these wonderful warm and loving creatures…


AnnDbugz says:

October 3, 2010 : 14 years 23 weeks ago

AnnDbugz's picture

Hi Jo!
THANKS for being such a loyal fan! I know how much you love animals! Check out Shawn’s photos
for “Walk for the Animals”
I think you may already follower her on Twitter @Finch93
Take care!

Dad (not verified) says:

October 4, 2010 : 14 years 22 weeks ago

Dad's picture

This comment section of the site said I had gone to anonymous status. Must be a timed thing. A dog would stick with you forever!

Anyway, yes it is a great article. The Humane Society has to be pleased with your article and work. Good job!!

AnnDbugz says:

October 4, 2010 : 14 years 22 weeks ago

AnnDbugz's picture

Thanks Dad ;-D

AnnDbugz says:

October 17, 2010 : 14 years 21 weeks ago

AnnDbugz's picture

I just wanted to send out a thanks to all my readers and twitter fans. I couldn’t do this without all of you!